Using wmi in programmatically,this article will tell you how to check if antivirus is installed or not,the name of the antivirus product and the status of the antivirus, if the antivirus is enabled or disabled and updated or not updated
The appendOutput function in the example below appends output to a rich text box,you may use some different function for the purpose.
Dim colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\SecurityCenter2").ExecQuery("Select * from AntivirusProduct") If colItems.count = 0 Then appendOutput("Antivirus Software : NOT installed") Else appendOutput("Antivirus Software : Installed") Dim intCounter = 1 For Each objItem In colItems appendOutput("[ Antivirus : " & intCounter & " ]") appendOutput("Antivirus Name : " & objItem.displayName) 'THE Antivirus STATUS ENABLED/DISABLED Dim AvStatus = Hex(objItem.ProductState) If Mid(AvStatus, 2, 2) = "10" Or Mid(AvStatus, 2, 2) = "11" Then appendOutput("Antivirus Status : Enabled") ElseIf Mid(AvStatus, 2, 2) = "00" Or Mid(AvStatus, 2, 2) = "01" Then appendOutput("Antivirus Status : Disabled") End If 'THE Antivirus UPDATE STATUS ENABLED/DISABLED Dim AvCurrent = Hex(objItem.ProductState) If Mid(AvStatus, 4, 2) = "00" Then appendOutput("Antivirus Update Status : Updated") ElseIf Mid(AvStatus, 4, 2) = "10" Then appendOutput("Antivirus Update Status : Not Updated") End If intCounter += 1 Next
That is all.
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