A catch all email address is specified for a domain name.It is also referred to as the default email address for the domain name.All email addressed as somename@yourdomain.com where somename is a email account that does not exist, is automatically routed to the catch all email address or the default email address for the domain name.
Here are the steps to follow to specify a catch all email address or a default address for a domain name.
Login to your Cpanel account.
Navigate to the email section and go to Default Address
Choose the domain name for which you want to add the catch all email address(default address) from the drop down combo box labelled as Send all unrouted email for the following domain:
Choose the radio button Forward to Email Address and specify the forward to email address.
Click on the Change button and your catch all email address ( default address) has been set for the given domain name
That is all.
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