If you own a domain name and would like to add custom name servers like ns1.yourdomain.com or ns2.yourdomain.com using the name servers your hosting provider has provided you then read this article to know how you can do that very easily.
Your hosting provider will provide you with nameservers like ns1.yourhostincompany.com and ns2.yourhostingcompany.com.You can make use of the “Create Child Name Servers” feature provided by your domain registrar
Step 1
Login to your domain registrar control panel and select the domain settings for the domain you would like to create custom name servers.
Check the existing name servers and note them down.For example ns1.existingNameserver.com and ns2.existingNameserver.com
Step 2
The next step is to find the IP Address of these name servers. You can do that easily
For Windows – Open command prompt and type command ping ns1.existingNameserver.com. You will be shown the IP Address of the existing name server in the ping reply.Note it down.Repeat the step for the second name server and get its IP Address.
For Mac –
- Open Terminal by navigating to /Applications/Utilities.
- In the Terminal window type ping <server> , where <server> is the hostname or IP address of the server that you want to ping. …
- Press Enter. …
- To stop the ping, after seeing enough results, press Ctrl + C.
Step 3
Now that you have the IP Address of your existing name servers.The next step is to create child name servers.
In your domain settings of the domain at your domain registrar look for the setting ‘Child Name Servers‘.
Add the First Child Name Server as ns1.yourdomain.com and give it the IP Address as the IP address of the first original name server as you have found in step 2
Add the Second Child Name Server as ns2.yourdomain.com and give it the IP Address as the IP address of the second name server as you have found in step 2
Save/Apply the settings.
Step 4
Now you can change the existing name servers of your domain name.Open the Name Server setting and set the name servers to ns1.yourdomain.com and ns2.yourdomain.com
After your name server changes take effect you will be able to see your own the updated name servers in the who is lookup of your domain.
Thanks for reading.
That is all.
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